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Comparing Infrared Saunas to Traditional Saunas

Comparing Infrared Saunas to Traditional Saunas: Costs, Benefits, and More


In recent times, Infrared saunas have gained significant popularity, showcasing numerous health benefits similar to traditional saunas. But when pitted against their predecessor, how do infrared saunas measure up to traditional saunas?

To explore this, let's delve into the fundamental distinctions between infrared saunas and traditional saunas.


The primary distinction lies in how they produce heat. Traditional saunas utilize a single heater to heat both the air and the user, employing rocks in a manner akin to wood-burning stoves. In contrast, infrared saunas generate an electromagnetic field (EMF) emitted from multiple heating panels, penetrating the body to internally raise the user's temperature without heating the air.


Traditional saunas circulate hot air at temperatures ranging from 140 to 176 degrees Fahrenheit, inducing profuse sweating. Infrared saunas operate at a slightly cooler temperature, reaching 125 to 155 degrees Fahrenheit.

Time to Optimal Temperature

Traditional saunas take 30 to 40 minutes to reach optimal operating temperature, while infrared saunas only need 10 to 15 minutes.

Running Costs

Infrared saunas are generally more energy-efficient than traditional saunas, resulting in cost savings over time.

Maintenance and Cleaning

Traditional saunas, with their humidity and moisture production, require occasional cleaning and may attract molds. Infrared saunas, producing moisture only from user perspiration, are low-maintenance and easier to care for.

Purchase Price

Traditional saunas are generally more expensive to purchase than infrared saunas. Entry-level infrared saunas cost around $2,000-2,500, while traditional saunas range from $4,000-7,500.

Health Benefits

Both types offer similar health benefits, including improved athletic recovery, blood circulation, muscle relaxation, stress reduction, weight loss, and relief from conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and cardiovascular diseases.

Pros and Cons

Traditional Saunas: Pros:

  • Authentic experience
  • Suitable for outdoor use
  • Humidity (based on preference) Cons:
  • Higher running costs
  • Longer time to reach optimal heat
  • Higher initial unit cost

Infrared Saunas: Pros:

  • Faster heat-up time
  • Lower running costs
  • Minimal maintenance Cons:
  • Limited outdoor use
  • Lack of humidity (based on preference)
  • Potential EMF exposure concerns

Final Thoughts 

Choosing between traditional and infrared saunas depends on personal preferences. Both offer relaxation, stress relief, and health benefits, making either a worthwhile investment. Explore our full range of saunas and accessories with free and fast shipping for more information. Browse all of our Saunas Today.  

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